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Do confined field trials add value for the environment risk assessment of genetically modified Brassica napus L. in Japan?

Kei Takamoto, Kaori Inazu, Shuichi Nakai, Koichi Inoue and Mai Tsuda
Transgenic Research 34 (1) (2025)

Environmental risk scenarios of specific NGT applications in Brassicaceae oilseed plants

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Environmental Sciences Europe 36 (1) (2024)

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Contamination of imported kernels by unapproved genome-edited varieties poses a major challenge for monitoring and traceability during transport and handling on a global scale: inferences from a study on feral oilseed rape in Austria

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Development of chloroplast DNA markers for environmental monitoring of genetically modified Brassica napus and Brassica hybrids

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Assessment of genetically modified oilseed rape MON 94100 for food and feed uses, under regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA‐GMO‐NL‐2020‐169)

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EFSA Journal 20 (7) (2022)

A Review of the Unintentional Release of Feral Genetically Modified Rapeseed into the Environment

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Biology 10 (12) 1264 (2021)

Assessment of genetically modified oilseed rape 73496 for food and feed uses, under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA‐GMO‐NL‐2012‐109)

Hanspeter Naegeli, Jean‐Louis Bresson, Tamas Dalmay, Ian Crawford Dewhurst, Michelle M Epstein, Leslie George Firbank, Philippe Guerche, Jan Hejatko, Francisco Javier Moreno, Ewen Mullins, Fabien Nogué, Nils Rostoks, Jose Juan Sánchez Serrano, Giovanni Savoini, Eve Veromann, Fabio Veronesi, Michele Ardizzone, Yann Devos, Silvia Federici, Antonio Fernandez Dumont, Andrea Gennaro, Jose Ángel Gómez Ruiz, Franco Maria Neri, Nikoletta Papadopoulou, Konstantinos Paraskevopoulos and Anna Lanzoni
EFSA Journal 19 (6) (2021)

Occurrence of spilled genetically modified oilseed rape growing along a Japanese roadside over 10 years

Nobuyoshi Nakajima, Toru Nishizawa, Mitsuko Aono, Masanori Tamaoki and Hikaru Saji
Weed Biology and Management 20 (4) 139 (2020)

Initial invasion of glyphosate‐resistant Amaranthus palmeri around grain‐import ports in Japan

Ayako Shimono, Hiroki Kanbe, Shunta Nakamura, Saneyoshi Ueno, Jun Yamashita and Motoaki Asai
PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET 2 (6) 640 (2020)

Risk assessment of genetically engineered plants that can persist and propagate in the environment

Andreas Bauer-Panskus, Juliana Miyazaki, Katharina Kawall and Christoph Then
Environmental Sciences Europe 32 (1) (2020)

Assessment of genetically modified oilseed rape MS11 for food and feed uses, import and processing, under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA‐GMO‐BE‐2016‐138)

Hanspeter Naegeli, Jean‐Louis Bresson, Tamas Dalmay, Ian Crawford Dewhurst, Michelle M Epstein, Leslie George Firbank, Philippe Guerche, Jan Hejatko, Francisco Javier Moreno, Ewen Mullins, Fabien Nogué, Nils Rostoks, Jose Juan Sánchez Serrano, Giovanni Savoini, Eve Veromann, Fabio Veronesi, Fernando Álvarez, Michele Ardizzone, Giacomo De Sanctis, Yann Devos, Antonio Fernandez‐Dumont, Andrea Gennaro, Jose Ángel Gómez Ruiz, Anna Lanzoni, Franco Maria Neri, et al.
EFSA Journal 18 (5) (2020)

The effect of processing factors on detection of genetically modified soy in flour by ELISA assay

Journal of Istanbul Veterinary Sciences 2 (2) 57 (2018)

Transgene escape and persistence in an agroecosystem: the case of glyphosate-resistant Brassica rapa L. in central Argentina

Claudio E. Pandolfo, Alejandro Presotto, Francisco Torres Carbonell, et al.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25 (7) 6251 (2018)

Scientific Opinion on application EFSA‐GMO‐NL‐2013‐119 for authorisation of genetically modified glufosinate‐ammonium‐ and glyphosate‐tolerant oilseed rape MON 88302 × MS8 × RF3 and subcombinations independently of their origin, for food and feed uses, import and processing submitted in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 by Monsanto Company and Bayer CropScience

Hanspeter Naegeli, Andrew Nicholas Birch, Josep Casacuberta, et al.
EFSA Journal 15 (4) e04767 (2017)

Scientific Opinion on an application by Bayer CropScience and Monsanto (EFSA‐GMO‐NL‐2009‐75) for placing on the market of genetically modified glufosinate‐ammonium‐ and glyphosate‐tolerant oilseed rape MS8 × RF3 × GT73 and subcombinations, which have not been authorised previously (i.e. MS8 × GT73 and RF3 × GT73) independently of their origin, for food and feed uses, import and processing, with the exception of isolated seed protein for food, under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003

EFSA Journal 14 (5) e04466 (2016)

Genetic Diversity of Oilseed Rape Fields and Feral Populations in the Context of Coexistence with GM Crops

Diane Bailleul, Sébastien Ollier, Jane Lecomte and Yong Pyo Lim
PLOS ONE 11 (6) e0158403 (2016)

The Coexistence of Genetically Modified, Organic and Conventional Foods

Allen Van Deynze, Kent J. Bradford, Henry Daniell, et al.
The Coexistence of Genetically Modified, Organic and Conventional Foods 13 (2016)

Fixed-route monitoring and a comparative study of the occurrence of herbicide-resistant oilseed rape (Brassica napusL.) along a Japanese roadside

Toru Nishizawa, Nobuyoshi Nakajima, Masanori Tamaoki, et al.
GM Crops & Food 7 (1) 20 (2016)

Long-Term Monitoring of Field Trial Sites with Genetically Modified Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.) in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Fifteen Years Persistence to Date but No Spatial Dispersion

Anke Belter
Genes 7 (1) 3 (2016)

Dealing with transgene flow of crop protection traits from crops to their relatives

Jonathan Gressel
Pest Management Science 71 (5) 658 (2015)

The presence of Bt-transgenic oilseed rape in wild mustard populations affects plant growth

Yongbo Liu, C. Neal Stewart, Junsheng Li, Hai Huang and Xitao Zhang
Transgenic Research 24 (6) 1043 (2015)

Scientific advice to the European Commission on the internal review submitted under Regulation (EC) No 1367/2006 on the application of the provisions of the Aarhus Convention against the Commission Implementing Decision 2015/687 to authorise genetically modified oilseed rape MON88302

EFSA Supporting Publications 12 (8) 864E (2015)

Long-term monitoring of feral genetically modified herbicide-tolerant Brassica napus populations around unloading Japanese ports

Kensuke Katsuta, Kazuhito Matsuo, Yasuyuki Yoshimura and Ryo Ohsawa
Breeding Science 65 (3) 265 (2015)

Unexpected Diversity of Feral Genetically Modified Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.) Despite a Cultivation and Import Ban in Switzerland

Juerg Schulze, Tina Frauenknecht, Peter Brodmann, Claudia Bagutti and Zhong-Hua Chen
PLoS ONE 9 (12) e114477 (2014)

Scientific Opinion on application (EFSA‐GMO‐BE‐2011‐101) for the placing on the market of herbicide‐tolerant genetically modified oilseed rape MON 88302 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Monsanto

EFSA Journal 12 (6) 3701 (2014)

Statement on a conceptual framework for the risk assessment of certain food additives re‐evaluated under Commission Regulation (EU) No 257/2010

EFSA Journal 12 (6) 3697 (2014)

Detection of feral GT73 transgenic oilseed rape (Brassica napus) along railway lines on entry routes to oilseed factories in Switzerland

Mirco Hecht, Bernadette Oehen, Jürg Schulze, Peter Brodmann and Claudia Bagutti
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21 (2) 1455 (2014)

Population genetics and origin of the native North American agricultural weed waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus; Amaranthaceae)

Katherine E. Waselkov and Kenneth M. Olsen
American Journal of Botany 101 (10) 1726 (2014)

Scientific Opinion on a request from the European Commission related to the prolongation of prohibition of the placing on the market of genetically modified oilseed rape events Ms8, Rf3 and Ms8 × Rf3 for import, processing and feed uses in Austria

EFSA Journal 11 (4) (2013)

Cultivation-independent establishment of genetically engineered plants in natural populations: current evidence and implications for EU regulation

Andreas Bauer-Panskus, Broder Breckling, Sylvia Hamberger and Christoph Then
Environmental Sciences Europe 25 (1) (2013)

Development of a chloroplast DNA marker for monitoring of transgene introgression in Brassica napus L.

Hee-Jong Woo, Myung-Ho Lim, Kong-Sik Shin, et al.
Biotechnology Letters 35 (9) 1533 (2013)

Scientific Opinion on application (EFSA‐GMO‐NL‐2010‐87) for the placing on the market of genetically modified herbicide tolerant oilseed rape GT73 for food containing or consisting of, and food produced from or containing ingredients produced from, oilseed rape GT73 (with the exception of refined oil and food additives) under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Monsanto

EFSA Journal 11 (2) 3079 (2013)

Scientific Opinion on a request from the European Commission related to the prolongation of prohibition of the placing on the market of genetically modified oilseed rape event GT73 for import, processing and feed uses in Austria

EFSA Journal 11 (4) (2013)

Scientific Opinion on a request from the European Commission related to the prolongation of prohibition of the placing on the market of genetically modified oilseed rape events Ms8, Rf3 and Ms8 × Rf3 for import, processing and feed uses in Austria

EFSA Journal 10 (9) 2878 (2012)

Scientific Opinion on a request from the European Commission related to the prolongation of prohibition of the placing on the market of genetically modified oilseed rape event GT73 for import, processing and feed uses in Austria

EFSA Journal 10 (9) 2876 (2012)

Scientific Opinion on application (EFSA-GMO-BE-2010-81) for the placing on the market of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant oilseed rape Ms8, Rf3 and Ms8 × Rf3 for food containing or consisting of, and food produced from or containing ingredients pro

EFSA Journal 10 (9) 2875 (2012)

Seed Spillage from Grain Trailers on Road Verges during Oilseed Rape Harvest: An Experimental Survey

Diane Bailleul, Sébastien Ollier, Sylvie Huet, et al.
PLoS ONE 7 (3) e32752 (2012)

Feral genetically modified herbicide tolerant oilseed rape from seed import spills: are concerns scientifically justified?

Yann Devos, Rosemary S. Hails, Antoine Messéan, Joe N. Perry and Geoffrey R. Squire
Transgenic Research 21 (1) 1 (2012)

Seeds of a Possible Natural Hybrid between Herbicide-Resistant Brassica napus and Brassica rapa Detected on a Riverbank in Japan

Mitsuko Aono, Seiji Wakiyama, Masato Nagatsu, et al.
GM Crops 2 (3) 201 (2011)

Changes in constructedBrassicacommunities treated with glyphosate drift

Lidia S. Watrud, George King, Jason P. Londo, et al.
Ecological Applications 21 (2) 525 (2011)

Transgene excision in pollen using a codon optimized serine resolvase CinH-RS2 site-specific recombination system

Hong S. Moon, Laura L. Abercrombie, Shigetoshi Eda, et al.
Plant Molecular Biology 75 (6) 621 (2011)

Persistence of Feral Populations of Brassica napus Originated from Spilled Seeds around the Kashima Seaport in Japan

Aki MIZUGUTI, Yasuyuki YOSHIMURA, Hiroyuki SHIBAIKE and Kazuhito MATSUO
Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly: JARQ 45 (2) 181 (2011)

Landscape-scale distribution and persistence of genetically modified oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in Manitoba, Canada

Alexis L. Knispel and Stéphane M. McLachlan
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17 (1) 13 (2010)

Potential gene flow of two herbicide-tolerant transgenes from oilseed rape to wild B. juncea var. gracilis

Xiaoling Song, Zhou Wang, Jiao Zuo, Chaohe Huangfu and Sheng Qiang
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 120 (8) 1501 (2010)

Long‐term persistence of crop alleles in weedy populations of wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum)

A. A. Snow, T. M. Culley, L. G. Campbell, P. M. Sweeney, S. G. Hegde and N. C. Ellstrand
New Phytologist 186 (2) 537 (2010)

Monitoring the occurrence of genetically modified oilseed rape growing along a Japanese roadside: 3-year observations

Toru Nishizawa, Nobuyoshi Nakajima, Mitsuko Aono, et al.
Environmental Biosafety Research 8 (1) 33 (2009)

Fitness and beyond: Preparing for the arrival of GM crops with ecologically important novel characters

Mike Wilkinson and Mark Tepfer
Environmental Biosafety Research 8 (1) 1 (2009)

Request from the European Commission related to the safeguard clause invoked by Austria on oilseed rape MS8, RF3 and MS8×RF3 according to Article 23 of Directive 2001/18/EC

EFSA Journal 7 (6) 1153 (2009)

Request from the European Commission related to the safeguard clause invoked by Austria on oilseed rape GT73 according to Article 23 of Directive 2001/18/EC

EFSA Journal 7 (6) 1151 (2009)

Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms on applications (references EFSA‐GMO‐UK‐2005‐25 and EFSA‐GMO‐RX‐T45) for the placing on the market of the glufosinate‐tolerant genetically modified oilseed rape T45, for food and feed uses, import and processing and for renewal of the authorisation of oilseed rape T45 as existing product, both under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Bayer CropScience

EFSA Journal 6 (3) (2008)

Gene Flow and Multiple Herbicide Resistance in Escaped Canola Populations

Alexis L. Knispel, Stéphane M. McLachlan, Rene C. Van Acker and Lyle F. Friesen
Weed Science 56 (1) 72 (2008)

Gene stacking in transgenic plants: towards compliance between definitions, terminology, and detection within the EU regulatory framework

Isabel Taverniers, Nina Papazova, Yves Bertheau, Marc De Loose and Arne Holst-Jensen
Environmental Biosafety Research 7 (4) 197 (2008)

Gene Flow, Risk Assessment and the Environmental Release of Transgenic Plants

Stephen Chandler and Jim M. Dunwell
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 27 (1) 25 (2008)

Transgenic oilseed rape along transportation routes and port of Vancouver in western Canada

Yasuyuki Yoshimura, Hugh J. Beckie and Kazuhito Matsuo
Environmental Biosafety Research 5 (2) 67 (2006)